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About K-Konsult Group
K-Konsult Group
In today’s fast-paced and rapidly changing environment, personalised services with reliable teams and specialised areas of technical expertise tailored to the business needs and objectives is a key to success.
With an in-depth understanding of business processes, along with hands-on experiences gained through working on critical issues across a wide spectrum of industries, K-Konsult Group is committed to provide you a value for money, high quality services in a seamless manner to meet your unique business challenges. We understand your needs and are well-versed with the crucial proceedings to help you get started on the right track. We provide our clients with only the best in terms of professionalism and services.
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Corporate Taxation
Business Advisory
Corporate Secreterial
Biggest Business Challenge?
Starting a new company?
We offer reliable and excellent professional services for your business needs.
Ways for Business Successes?
An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is seen as an excellent route to accelerating growth..Go for IPO!
Are you paying the right tax?
We can assist you from the very beginning to help you in your tax risk management.
Business Advisory
Why Choose K-Konsult
THINKING OF STARTING UP COMPANY IN AND OUTSIDE MALAYSIA ? Talk to us today as our reliable and excellent professional services under our INTERNATIONAL DESK of which is drawing on knowledge and experience accumulated over the years by our partners in helping you to register and form up the company in Malaysia, particularly and also other 30+ countries, i.e. China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Macau, Australia, Cyprus, Egypt, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Malta, Mauritius, Nepal, New Zealand. Pakistan, Portugal, Romania, Russia, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, U.A.E., U.K., Belarus, Mozambique, Netherlands, Poland and etc.
- A unique network of professional service;
- Highly skilled and experienced professionals;
- Being a knowledge centre of the abovementioned countries;
- Bridging cultural differences;
- Taking a professional interest in our clients and communicating with each to ensure we continue to support your ongoing needs
- Providing a broad range of services, allowing our clients to maintain all of their business affairs with one firm and at fees reflective of good value.
Over 20 Years of Experience. We’ll Ensure You Always Get the Best Advice.
Proven business advisory and corporate services to various businesses. We are committed to providing tailored advice to each of our clients, who enjoy direct, personal access to our professional team
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News & Happenings
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Automatic Reduction on Compound
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